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The truth, the whole truth, nothin' but the truth.

"God Told Me to End the Tyranny in Iraq" — George W. Bush

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." — Benjamin Franklin

"I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America." — French philosopher Alexis DeTocqueville


The Gross National Debt

Price of Addiction
to Foreign Oil

"I've seen the future, I can't afford it." — Martin Fry

Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator


What is the "Wake-Up Wal-Mart" campaign all about?
Well, there are two visions for America: Wal-Mart's America, where profits come before people, and my vision, where people come first.

In Wal-Mart's America, workers are paid poverty level wages even when they work full-time.
In my America, workers are paid a living wage with proper health and retirement benefits.

In Wal-Mart's America, wealthy companies shift their health care costs onto taxpayers like you and your families.
In my America, corporations live up to their responsibility and provide their employees with adequate and affordable health care coverage.

In Wal-Mart's America, suppliers are forced to make their goods cheaper even if it means shipping U.S. jobs overseas.
In my America, we value U.S. jobs and companies that buy and sell "Made in America."

In Wal-Mart's America, women are paid less than men.
In my America, women and men are treated equally - fair pay for everyone.


OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong on the bailout.
OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong on the endless "War on Terror".
OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong on the endless "War on Drugs".
OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong on continuing the Bush tax cuts.
OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong on impeachment.
OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong to not prosecute the Bush torture team.
OBAMA/BIDEN: Wrong to appoint the criminals who caused the financial crisis to positions responsible for fixing it.

See what blind hope will get you? I voted for Cynthia McKinney.

I pledge allegiance to NO FLAG. Certainly not one that stands for corruption, injustice, murder, genocide, torture, invasion of privacy and unlawful search and seizure. With liberty and the free pursuit of happiness for corporations and the criminals who run them. Bankruptcy, hunger and homelessness for the rest.

America: land of the deceived, home of the afraid. Fear level: ORANGE

Brought to you by so-called "democracy" from what was once described as "the greatest country in the world". Today we are the greatest polluters of the world, proclaimed proudly by George W. Bush at the G8 Summit on 7/10/08. By my count, we lost the moral high-ground at least as early as 1962. In that year, the United States began pouring Monsanto products over the globe, killing crops and foliage, poisoning habitats, and causing pain, suffering and birth defects yet today. Since then, we have also insisted on using depleted uranium munitions which have created environmental disasters that we take no resposibility for cleaning up. Chemical and radiation poisoning: the coward's gifts of death. And ones that keep on giving for generations to come.

I wish not to live in a failed fascist empire that roams the world MURDERING and TORTURING for oil.

GOD DAMN the Terrorist States of America!

"Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison." — Henry David Thoreau


"To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor." — Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Curtailment of free speech is rationalized on grounds that a more compelling American tradition forbids criticism of the government when the nation is at war...Nothing can be more destructive of our fundamental democratic traditions than the vicious effort to silence dissenters." — Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Everyone knows that this country is being run by a criminal syndicate that has rigged elections, hidden its knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, lied the country into war, plotted to out an important CIA undercover operative and then obstruct a criminal investigation into that treasonous act, subverted most of the articles of the Bill of Rights, emasculated the Congress and the Courts (which it has also shamelessly packed with shameless hacks), betrayed veterans, surrendered a major American metropolis to the devastation of a hurricane, plotted to enable the declaring of martial law, tortured kidnapped and killed people in violation of international law and obstructed efforts to deal with the unprecedented crisis of global warming for an unconscionable seven years." — Dave Lindorff, award-winning journalist, former New York Times contributor, graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, two-time Journalism Fulbright Scholar, and co-author, with Barbara Olshansky, of the book The Case for Impeachment.

I supported Dennis Kucinich in the primaries and caucuses

I supported Cynthia McKinney in the general

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

happy holidays

My heart is heavy this holiday season. From the profiteering off of war, death and destruction to the profiteering from child-slave-labor to the refusal of our government to provide equal protections for our citizens whoever they are, to the lack of concern shown by our government to our war veterans and to victims of rape and disaster alike, to the loss of our privacy rights, we are a country that has lost its moral conscience.

Already, only the presidential candidates with enough money to buy television time are allowed to debate. The others having been labelled inconsequential by the monolithic mass media. Now the media have been allowed to consolidate further. And yet there is no outrage. No protests. Your daily newspaper will soon carry the same blather as Fox News, lots and lots of distraction with no substance.

Or is that just how you prefer it, America? Does it comfort you to look away? To pretend to be blind to the hypocrisy, the lies, the corruption, the death, the crippling, the torture, the murder? Who would Jesus kill today?

Does it comfort you to be blind to our soldiers' lifeless bodies arriving back to us daily? Our government "protects" us from the disturbing images and tells us that to shop is to be patriotic. Consequently, our soldiers receive no public recognition for their ultimate sacrifice. No public mourning or thanks. Is it more comfortable for you to watch Dancing with the Stars and America's Next Top Model and another OJ trial? Because these events have SO MUCH to do with how you will live your life, or not, as the case may be, in the years ahead, or how your children will live theirs.

I wonder how many will wish they could speak, when it is no longer allowed. I choose to speak now. While it is still allegedly tolerated. I am unafraid of the free trip to Cuba.

We send our sons and daughters to the other side of the world to die, or become disabled, or traumatized, and for what? To liberate Iraqis? You're a fool. To protect us from terrorism? Yeah, right. Because our pea-brain president likes to see stuff blow up? Remember, this is the man who on February 8, 2004 declared, "I am a WAR PRESIDENT. I make decisions here in the Oval Office on foreign policy matters with WAR ON MY MIND." So who knows?

And perhaps the sons and daughters who die on the other side of the planet have it better than the ones who will remain. The dead are thankfully free from the horrors of war, from the poisoned radioactive munitions they are forced to use and from other disabling injuries. Look at what we're leaving those who remain. A scorched, drained, polluted, wrecked planet. A battlefield in the Middle East that may be radioactive and uninhabitable for generations. A country without values that provides insufficient care for its veterans and their families. A huge bill for this foolishness that we've allowed to continue for the last 7 years. And a worthless currency with which to try to pay it off.

I am here to tell you folks, that unless YOU PERSONALLY are making a ton of money off of this war, you have been had!

There may have been "terrorists" who flew planes into buildings on 9/11. But a couple dozen guys living in a cave did not accomplish all of what happened that day on their own. The buildings did not vaporize because they were hit by planes. The buildings that took over 6 years to build did not disintegrate by themselves in 10 seconds like you were led to believe. Or is it acceptable now for me to refuse to go to work in a steel-frame high-rise building, for fear that it may suddenly vaporize?

How long before 9/11 were the explosive charges planted in World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7? What insurance company accepted the liability for the tens of thousands of people who worked in those buildings daily, and where explosive charges had been planted?

Many of you believed the lies about 9/11. Many of you believed the lies about the war. Many of you said "SORRY EVERYBODY" after Dictator Bush stole the election again in 2004, yet we still have a spineless Congress that refuses to act, and a Neocon judicial branch that's going to be with us for a very long time.

And we have evidence that the election in 2008 is gearing up to have some of the same problems as the elections in 2000 and 2004. In Ohio and Colorado and Colorado and Ohio and Florida, just for starters.

So, yammer on about how Christmas is a wonderful American holiday while I prefer to wish you "happy holidays". Yammer on like Mitt Romney did about how I should accept his beliefs while he belittles mine. Or yammer on as Fox News did that every American president has been a Christian -- when in fact, 6 of them were not. What other lies do you believe that Fox News has told you? Yammer on about which Republican candidate will be strongest on "defense" -- excuse me, they're really talking about "offense", aren't they? Or about who will complete the Mexican-American Wall first, a concept as disgusting to me as the Berlin Wall or the Detroit/Grosse Pointe Park Wall.

Yammer on about everything other than bringing the criminals to justice, until you can't anymore. Because the criminals will no longer allow it. Because AT&T and Verison will not send your message if it is critical of the criminals. Because all of your rights will be gone. Given up willingly -- for absolutely nothing in return -- to your phony, fascist leaders. The ones who raped the United States Treasury and sent our sons and daughters to die, to make themselves and their friends rich.

The ones who will not be impeached by this Congress.

The ones who could easily be pardoned by a President Clinton, or Giuliani, or Huckabee, or Romney, or McCain (or even a President Obama or Edwards or Paul). Dictator Bush and his cronies have committed WAR CRIMES and TREASONOUS acts, and I don't care what some phony Attorney General would prefer to call it. They are guilty of some of the SAME CRIMES that the Japanese were held accountable for after World War II, and more. And the ones who refuse to act, including to date much of the present Congress and several Presidential candidates, could be complicit in WAR CRIMES and TREASON.

So, we have a choice America, if it's not already too late. But, for what it's worth, we can try belatedly, to go after the criminals, the torturers, the illegal wiretappers, the murderers, and those who choose to shield them, and hold them to justice. Just like Dictator Bush said he would hold the terrorists and those who choose to shield them to justice.

Or we can allow them to carry on. We can make believe, as the Germans made believe that they were unaware of the contents of those railroad cars. We too can look away from the unpleasant truth. We can allow ourselves to be distracted by the bright shiny object in the corner. We can be complicit in the crimes of our government. And we can hang right beside them.

happy holidays

"To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor." -Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Disclaimer: The preceding comments may violate the Military Commissions Act of the Fascist States of America. To repeat these words, forward this message, or even materially support this website (PLEASE DON'T SEND ME A DOLLAR!) may cause you to be labeled an "unlawful enemy combatant" subject to imprisonment forever with no legal rights. Don't even think of trying to hold me responsible. I'll already be gone; even my attorneys won't know where to find me. Best to just kiss your ass goodbye.
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